Informacion del Monstruodatabase de RetRO

#ID 1261: Wild Rose

Monster ID 1261 Sprite WILD_ROSE
Nombre Wild Rose Custom No
Nombre iRO Wild Rose HP 2,980
Tamaño Small SP 0
Raza Brute Nivel 38
Elemento Wind (Lv 1) Velocidad 0
Experiencia 5,565 Ataque 0~360
Experiencia Job 3,440 Defensa 0
Experiencia MVP 0 Defensa Mágica 15
Attack Delay 964 ms Attack Range 0
Attack Motion 864 ms Spell Range 0
Delay Motion 0 ms Vision Range 0
Monster Mode
  • Can Attack
  • Looter
  • Can Move
Monster Stats
STR 65 AGI 85 VIT 15
INT 35 DEX 65 LUK 80

Item Dropsdatabase de RetRO

Item ID Nombre Drop Chance
7053 Cyfar 90%
748 Witherless Rose 2.5%
5037 Nut Shell 6%
1767 Arrow of Shadow 90%
624 Rotten Fish 1.75%
528 Monster's Feed 30%
2244 Big Ribbon 0.1%

Spawn de Wild RoseMapas en los que Wild Rose aparece

Mapa Cantidad Respawn time
Prontera City, Capitol of Rune-Midgarts (prontera) 1 120min-180min
Morroc Town (morocc) 1 120min-180min
Alberta (alberta) 1 120min-180min
Al De Baran (aldebaran) 1 120min-180min
Geffen (geffen) 1 120min-180min
Beach town,Comodo (comodo) 1 120min-180min
Izlude Town (izlude) 1 120min-180min
Juno, the capital of Schwarzwald Republic (yuno) 1 120min-180min
Wootan Tribe´s Village, Umbala (umbala) 1 120min-180min
Amatsu, the Land of Destiny (amatsu) 1 120min-180min
Gonryun, the Hermit Land (gonryun) 1 120min-180min
Geffen Field (gef_fild05) 50 0min
Kiel Hyre´s Academy (yuno_fild08) 15 0min

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