NPC List

Found a total of 2267 record(s) across 114 page(s). Displaying result(s) 781-800.

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NPC name Image Map ▼ Coordinates Is Shop ▲
Peco Peco Breeder prontera 55,350
Smile Assistance prontera 147,232
Battleground Recruiter prontera 142,179
Guard prontera 160,330
Shuger prontera 101,288
Tono prontera 54,240
Merideth prontera 106,116
Nephia prontera 165,232
Recruiter prontera 149,194
Kafra Service Quest Jobs prontera 162,194
Service Quest Skill prontera 164,196
Man from Morroc prontera 163,204
Smile Assistance prontera 147,232
Promotional Staff prontera 163,53
Emperium Breaker prontera 141,174
YuNa prontera 149,202
Strife prontera 216,70
Dairenne prontera 78,150
Wanted Notice prontera 150,326
Amaranta prontera 273,343
Prev. | 31 | 32 | 33 | 34 | 35 | 36 | 37 | 38 | 39 | 40 | Next

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