Informacion del Monstruodatabase de RetRO

#ID 1086: Golden Thief Bug (MVP)

Monster ID 1086 Sprite GOLDEN_BUG
Nombre Golden Thief Bug Custom No
Nombre iRO Golden Thief Bug HP 126,000
Tamaño Large SP 0
Raza Insect Nivel 64
Elemento Fire (Lv 2) Velocidad 0
Experiencia 71,500 Ataque 0~1,145
Experiencia Job 35,750 Defensa 60
Experiencia MVP 7,150 Defensa Mágica 45
Attack Delay 768 ms Attack Range 0
Attack Motion 768 ms Spell Range 0
Delay Motion 0 ms Vision Range 0
Monster Mode
  • Change Target Melee
  • Can Attack
  • Assist
  • Looter
  • Can Move
  • MVP
Monster Stats
STR 65 AGI 75 VIT 35
INT 45 DEX 85 LUK 150

Item Dropsdatabase de RetRO

Item ID Nombre Drop Chance
969 Gold 50%
1524 Golden Mace 7.5%
2246 Golden Gear 12.5%
10016 Golden Bell 25%
714 Emperium 15%
985 Elunium 90%
984 Oridecon 75%
4128 Golden Thief Bug Card 0.05%
2610 MVP! Gold Ring 90%
701 MVP! Ora Ora 50%

Note: Only one MVP drop will be rewarded.

Spawn de Golden Thief BugMapas en los que Golden Thief Bug aparece

Mapa Cantidad Respawn time
Prontera Culvert (prt_sewb4) 1 60min-70min

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